A thorough and accurate job post is the first touchpoint your candidates will have with the open role at your company and important part of laying the foundation for candidate attraction. An appealing and accurate job post will ensure you get the best, most relevant, and most qualified applicants. Listing the salary is the most important part of the job listing, according to 24% of candidates.


Use this list to optimize your next job posting

  • Opening Paragraph about the Role at the Job: Are you a digital marketer looking for a new remote opportunity? ClearEdge Marketing is seeking an experienced candidate looking for a full-time position…
  • Job Title: Write this precisely as it would be seen on a business card with no abbreviations. Use a standard title that candidates can easily find.
  • Date Posted: Use full date (month/date/year) 
  • Location: Structured as street address, city, state, postal code; If remote or hybrid, say so
  • Employment Type: Temporary, permanent, contract, full-time, or part-time
  • Job Description: Include details and be specific; some info may be in bullet points. 
  • Base Salary: This can be an exact number or a range 
  • Benefits and Perks: Include insurance, 401(k) info, flex time, and more
  • Education Requirements: Educational background needed for the position in bullet points
  • Experience Requirements: Description of skills and experience needed for the position in bullet points
  • Industry: Industry associated with the job
  • Qualifications: Specific qualifications required for the role in bullet points
  • Responsibilities: Responsibilities associated with the role in bullet points
  • Skills: Skills required for the role in bullet points
  • Work Hours/Schedule: Expected schedule is written out, including total weekly hours
  • Valid through Date: Use full date (month/date/year) 

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Written by Britany Bell & Nicole VanNienwenhove, ClearEdge Marketing Digital Media Managers