Elevate your brand

A strong brand has serious power. The kind of power that fuels growth, forges connections, and wins lasting loyalty. Ready to elevate your brand?

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We capture your business at its best

ClearEdge Marketing uses qualitative research and appreciative brand inquiry to build brands that captivate and connect.

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Brands we’ve built

(this will need to be a phase 3, when we have our portfolio more built out) If we have client’s logos we could use, let’s talk about that for phase 2 launch in the meantime?

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“We made a strategic decision to invest in a marketing partner who could help take our company to the next level. A simple branding project became a lightbulb moment that marketing impacts almost every area of our business in some way.”

– Dave Smith, Co-Founder & COO, Triple Crown Consulting

How smart inquiry yields bright branding

ClearEdge Marketing qualitative research approach is founded in Appreciative Inquiry methodology. It’s a way of identifying peak times of brand excellence, when clients, candidates, and employees have experienced the company at its best. We convert those bright moments into brand communications that resonate.


Our discovery process is engaging and interview-driven, uncovering the values and differentiators that matter most.


By bringing all the data together, we identify key overlaps and shared experiences, helping us build brands from positions of strength and truth.


With a clear understanding of the business at its best, our teams of creative actuators bring the brand to life in design and words.

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A full range of brand services

  • Brand development
  • Rebrand/Brand refresh
  • Visual identity
  • Naming
  • Brand artichture
  • Brand activation
  • Messaging + positioning
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Meet our

We are a nationwide team of strategists, marketers, creators, doers, coaches, and connectors. We are united by our shared passion for the business of talent and the people who make it work.

Blog: Employees are your strongest brand champions—use that advantage

Employees live in your brand every day. Don’t let their knowledge and experience go to waste when it comes to strengthening your brand. Learn how and why to empower your team to make your brand efforts a success.

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Ready to bring your brand to life?

From developing new brands to optimizing key visual and storytelling elements, ClearEdge Marketing is a partner in integrating the best of your business into your brand.

Connect & Brand with ClearEdge