Old typewriter machine, top view.

Global Power 150 Women in Staffing: A Fireside Chat

My entire career, I’ve had the privilege of surrounding myself with powerful women. As a special guest of Gretchen Keefner, Vice President, Enterprise North America at Bullhorn, for a fireside chat during the 2021 celebration of Staffing Industry Analysts’ Global Power 150 honorees, my gratitude came full circle. While typically in-person and over dinner, I…

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Top Quotes from Women in Staffing Crossovers – SIA’s Global Power 150 and ClearEdge Marketing’s TheEdge Podcast

Every year, I delightfully anticipate the release of Staffing Industry Analysts’ Global Power 150 – Women in Staffing list. As someone who’s passionate about advancing women in business and the staffing industry overall, celebrating these women is a true sweet spot for me. And for more reasons than I can count. I’m fortunate to call so many of the women on this year’s list friends, fellow book club members, inspirations, motivators, collaborators, partners and clients.

Old typewriter machine, top view.

On Being a Change-Maker

While ClearEdge Marketing’s involvement in the TechServe Alliance women’s event was a bit different than years past (we traded an in-person luncheon for a virtual happy hour!) I was inspired by everything I heard. I wish I could share every nugget that sparked my imagination but here are a few takeaways, based on commentary. Candace...
Old typewriter machine, top view.

Talent Acquisition Transformed

The global economy has significantly been disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, and this disruption has trickled down into all aspects of business, including talent acquisition.  Almost all hiring functions and processes transitioned rapidly into a virtual environment. Technology solutions empowered and inspired the transformation of many recruiting and hiring practices. In other words, while the pandemic disrupted our lives and work, it also accelerated transformation.

Old typewriter machine, top view.

Evolving to Advance: Key takeaways from ASA’s 2020 Advancing Women Leaders in Staffing Event

On May 20th, the American Staffing Association held its first 2020 Advancing Women Leaders in Staffing event virtually. It didn’t take long to realize this was going to be one for the books.  Very quickly, the energy and excitement could be felt through attendees’ screens as over 230 women began to connect with one another…

Old typewriter machine, top view.

Leading Strong Teams in the Age of Covid-19

While some of us are already comfortable working from home, for others it’s yet another new norm to adapt to. As she works to find her comfort level leading teams remotely, Leah McKelvey, Regional Vice President, Enterprise EMEA at Bullhorn, turns to virtual workplace aficionados, Leslie Vickrey, Jessica Elliott and Nikki Leonardi, for a refresher on how to lead and…

Old typewriter machine, top view.

Candidate Sharing: A Peace Offering in the War for Talent

Join any serious discussion with talent acquisition professionals these days, and the conversation inevitably turns to out-of-the-box ideas to hire new talent. Case in point: At a conference earlier this year I had a conversation with recruiters from different companies who told me they shared candidates when they did not have immediate positions available for…

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Why Confidence and Being Your Own Career Champion Matter: Joanie Courtney, CMO of EmployBridge and RemX Staffing President

On this episode of TheEdge podcast, ClearEdge CEO and Founder, Leslie Vickrey, interviews Joanie Courtney, CMO of EmployBridge and President of RemX Staffing. Joanie shares how her upbringing shaped who she is as a leader today, why confidence is a big part of her success, and what being your own career champion truly means.

[audio mp3="https://meetclearedge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Leslie-and-Joanie.mp3"][/audio]

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