After 11 years, ClearEdge has a brand refresh and CEO Leslie Vickrey and Emily Tatum can’t wait to talk about it on this episode of The Edge podcast! Yes, you read it correctly- a brand refresh, not a rebrand. While both terms sound the same, a brand refresh and a rebrand actually mean drastically different things for a company’s brand. “What’s that,” you ask? Well… tune in to see! We promise you, Leslie and Emily discuss the difference between a brand refresh and a rebrand within the first 3 minutes so you don’t have to wait very long before you’re speaking like a true marketing expert yourself.

Marty Neumeier, author The Brand Gap, said “The brand isn’t what you say it is. It’s what they say it is.” Meaning, your brand is the perceived value and experience prospect and clients (your lifeline) have with your company, products and services. And, truthfully, ClearEdge’s clients and prospects were telling us that our previous brand image wasn’t up to par with our expert services.

On this episode, Leslie discusses the signs she was receiving that it was time to refresh the ClearEdge brand and what it was like for her to wear the client hat and invest in her company’s brand. Leslie explains the type of investment a brand refresh entails as well as the questions owners should ask themselves to determine whether they need a brand refresh. If you’re contemplating a brand refresh or are interested in the power of brands, tune in!