Old typewriter machine, top view.

What’s the difference between a CMO and a fractional CMO?

The role of chief marketing officer (CMO) is well-established. The creation of “chief marketing officer” as a position dates back to the 1990s in response to the increased complexity and strategic importance of marketing as a business growth driver. Today, most every company listed on the Fortune 500 has one and the broad parameters of…

Old typewriter machine, top view.

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2023: The Importance of Accessibility Accommodations in the Workplace

Written by: Nicole VanNienwenhove ClearEdge is proud to support Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2023, a week created as a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. Rather than labeling people with deficits or a disability that needs to be “cured,” neurodiversity instead considers and celebrates individuals’ strengths and weaknesses.  So what exactly is…

Old typewriter machine, top view.

What is Credential Stuffing and How to Protect Your WordPress Website

Millions of user passwords are now available for purchase. In fact, there’s a good chance that one if not all of your credentials has been sold. Hackers can efficiently and successfully purchase credentials and passwords to log into accounts that haven’t been protected. PayPal, MailChimp (owned by Intuit), General Motors, and others have all been…

Old typewriter machine, top view.

Laying the Foundation for Candidate Attraction

Candidate attraction is not a simple task, and it has become more complex than ever before. The job market remains increasingly competitive for employers with candidates in the driver’s seat for the foreseeable future. We recently launched the campaign below for a client in the talent acquisition space and it performed very well, but it…

Old typewriter machine, top view.

What Strategic PR Can Do For a Staffing Firm

First seen on SIA blog (10/23/13) and updated in March 2021.  If public relations isn’t part of your marketing and sales efforts, you’re missing out. In its simplest terms, the goal of public relations is to create a favorable opinion of your company, service or product among your audiences. This favorable opinion elevates your brand and…

Old typewriter machine, top view.

Global Power 150 Women in Staffing: A Fireside Chat

My entire career, I’ve had the privilege of surrounding myself with powerful women. As a special guest of Gretchen Keefner, Vice President, Enterprise North America at Bullhorn, for a fireside chat during the 2021 celebration of Staffing Industry Analysts’ Global Power 150 honorees, my gratitude came full circle. While typically in-person and over dinner, I…