Old typewriter machine, top view.

On Being a Change-Maker

While ClearEdge Marketing’s involvement in the TechServe Alliance women’s event was a bit different than years past (we traded an in-person luncheon for a virtual happy hour!) I was inspired by everything I heard. I wish I could share every nugget that sparked my imagination but here are a few takeaways, based on commentary. Candace...
Vintage microphone

Action Always: Lauren Jones, Leap Consulting Solutions

On this episode of TheEdge podcast, ClearEdge CEO and founder Leslie Vickrey interviews Lauren Jones, Founder of Leap Consulting Solutions. Leslie and Lauren discuss her unexpected career path, how she found her spark, and continues to fan the flames, as well as how she’s pivoted during the pandemic.

[audio mp3="https://meetclearedge.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/GB_LaurenJones_TheEdge.mp3"][/audio]

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What A Woman Can Do: Stacey Lane, Staffmark Group

On this episode of TheEdge podcast, ClearEdge CEO and founder Leslie Vickrey interviews Stacey Lane, Executive VP of Field Operations at Staffmark Group. Leslie and Stacey discuss what makes the company extraordinary, the importance of creating trust and transparency in your leadership, and how she learned to believe in herself and become her own career champion. 

[audio mp3="https://meetclearedge.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/GB_TheEdge_StaceyLane.mp3"][/audio]

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Totally Engaged: Teresa Creech, TalentWave

On this episode of TheEdge podcast, ClearEdge CEO and founder Leslie Vickrey interviews Teresa Creech, CEO of TalentWave. Leslie and Teresa discuss the immense value of mentorship, the advice she gives her now-college-aged children, and why it’s essential to differentiate fact and fiction in decision-making.

[audio mp3="https://meetclearedge.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/GBFinal_Teresa_TheEdge-Podcast-10_12_20-11.06-AM.mp3"][/audio]

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Hungry, Humble, & Fun: Celeste Bottorff, Hire Dynamics

On this episode of TheEdge podcast, ClearEdge CEO and founder Leslie Vickrey interviews Celeste Bottorff, Chief Marketing Officer at Hire Dynamics. Leslie and Celeste discuss the why behind Hire Dynamic’s success, her advice for rising female leaders, and how the staffing industry has a unique opportunity to address bias head on to create change for future generations.

[audio mp3="https://meetclearedge.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Celeste_TheEdge_GB_ClearEdge-Podcast-9_22_20-4.42-PM.mp3"][/audio]

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The Humble CEO: Ameilia Nickerson, First Step Staffing

On this episode of TheEdge podcast, ClearEdge CEO and founder Leslie Vickrey interviews Amelia Nickerson, CEO of First Step Staffing. Leslie and Amelia discuss where she started and how she found her way to First Step, the earnest mission that drives the company, and how she practices looking at the bigger picture before measuring her success.

[audio mp3="https://meetclearedge.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Amelia_TheEdge_Final-9_15_20-4.42-PM.mp3"][/audio]

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